
Color wooden cube slide rules - Stellina
Color wooden cube slide rules - Stellina
Color wooden cube slide rules - Stellina

Color wooden cube slide rules

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made in GERMANY


1x1cm の正方形がつながったように見えるよう切れ目が入れてあるブロック。色によって、ブロックの長さが変わります。(1-10cmまで)ヨーロッパらしい色使いと木の温かみが魅力の知育玩具です。

Colored slide rules made of RE-Wood® with milled subdivisions
(Cuisinaires and Dienes system combined)

11 One white 1x1x1 cm, 5 twos red 2x1x1 cm, 4 threes green 3x1x1 cm, 3 quads pink 4x1x1 cm, 2 fives yellow 5x1x1 cm, 1 six dark green 6x1x1 cm, 1 seventh black 7x1x1 cm, 1 eight brown 8x1x1 cm, 1 nine blue 9x1x1 cm, 1 tenth orange 10x1x1 cm.


1. Discover the number range 1 - 10
2. Assignment of colors to corresponding numbers
3. Formation of the number concept - development of the tens
Place value system
4. Development of all basic arithmetic operations through visible
Assignment and understandable, playful learning
5. Support in the transition from the visual image of the
Numerical space to the mathematically abstract calculation process


17 x 16 x 3.5 cm

Net weight
